Game of Thrones

Started by Diomedes, February 24, 2013, 07:52:15 AM

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I think he was going back to the fist, since the first thing that happened in Season 3 was the off-screen Battle of the Fist. But yeah he definitely already had the dragon glass at the time.

It seems to me like the White Walkers just DGAF and do what they want. They could have killed the deserter in the opening of the series and didn't, probably because they just enjoyed killing his buddies and scaring the shtein out of him.

I don't think it has to do with wanting more wights either, because they've been known to chop things up into little parts. Everybody that dies north of the Wall becomes a wight unless their body is burned, so they've probably got plenty of zombies.

The scene where the White Walker king dude was walking up towards the baby, and you can kind of see it walk up through the ice...that was one of Bran's visions when he warg'd the Heart Tree, so it came true. Another one of his visions was the dragon shadow over King's Landing...
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Spoiler theory:

Anyone else think it was the Sr. Lannister walking up to pick up the baby? We only saw the face through the ice and the baby's perspective.

I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


Not sure what you mean by Sr Lannister? We did see the face in the next shot though. He was a WW, presumably their leader, but looked different and had horns on his head and more of a smooth, lighter and less striated face. Elsewhere all the white walkers look the same (I say this knowing here on CF I'll be accused of being a racist - oh wait, mn this is the GOT thread).

I counted 13 figures in the backround (of which he was the middle), which may be a significant number (eg. being an unlucky number; the 13 of Qarth, and in other references in the books). I also counted 10 of those large quartz like ice crystals protruding from he ground around the altar, not sure if that has symbolic significance.

Also wonder since we don't know where the WWs come from, if there could be some sort of connection between their eye color and the blue/purple eye color the Targaryens with the blood of the dragon had.


great episode. farging hate that the seasons are so short.

to me it seems like everything is in cycles in this world. what we are seeing now has happened before and will happen again.

i took the assumption (as is the assumption all over the internet) that the ww that turned the baby is the night's king. a being merely mentioned in the bedtime story told to bran in the first season.

If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it


So, this entire clusterfarg is the fault of plotting by Littlefinger and Lysa. Mother farger....Varys was right when he said Littlefinger is the most dangerous man in Westeros....and he really would burn it all down if he could be King of the ashes.

Ned never would have left Winterfell if it wasn't for that shtein.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


I think people are wildly misinterpreting Cersei and being "sympathetic" this episode.  She went around to all of the judges and tried to play up to them to get them to vote to kill Tyrion IMO.


I think the Lysa reveal shows how cleverly the show and books set up the story and then deconstructed it. I think in the beginning of season 1 you're supposed to view it like you would almost any other fantasy series. You have clear good guys in the Starks, and clear antagonists in the Lannisters. They tell you in episode 1 how Cersei and Jaime killed Jon Arryn, they show you Jaime pushing Bran from the tower, Ned talks about how dishonorable Jaime is for killing Aerys in what is depicted as the biggest betrayal ever, and the Starks are depicted as the typical noble protagonist house which will undoubtedly right all wrongs.

Obviously as the story goes along that gets deconstructed but I think it's particularly interesting with the Lannisters. The Lannisters are FAR from blameless with the war, but all of the Lannister adults (save for Tyrion who is pretty much depicted as a good guy) are far more grey than they appear initially. They didn't kill Jon Arryn, Jaime killing Aerys was a noble act, etc. This doesn't absolve them from fault (Jaime pushing Bran especially), but if you go back and watch the series from the beginning with all of the information, they are far less to blame/far less evil than they initially seem since it's so heavily colored through Stark eyes. None of those three are good guys necessarily (each has pretty substantial faults), but I think it's a clever device to set them up as the big bad of the story, only to sort of strip that away (I'm ignoring Joffrey for this who was essentially pure evil), and then introduce either the real players (Littlefinger) or real evil (Ramsay etc). I just think the Lysa reveal is part of what makes the show so good and allows you to almost reassess things when you re-watch.


Quote from: Munson on May 04, 2014, 10:39:07 PM
So, this entire clusterfarg is the fault of plotting by Littlefinger and Lysa. Mother farger....Varys was right when he said Littlefinger is the most dangerous man in Westeros....and he really would burn it all down if he could be King of the ashes.

Ned never would have left Winterfell if it wasn't for that shtein.

ding ding. it was hard not to let others in on that. there are a couple of other statements, visions/dreams that gave us a look ahead at the time and will make you think back when things come to fruition.
If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it


I didn't really see...but what happened to Bran's dire wolf? Did it die? I thought it fell in a trap...not got killed.

If it's a spoiler, then just say telling me would be a spoiler. Thanks.
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


I think Bran made a comment that implied Summer was okay.  He didn't appear in the episode to my recollection but he said something like "lets go free summer."


has anyone read the 5th book yet ? is it less painful to read than the 4th ?
If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it


I dislike the 4th less now going back through a few parts, but that's because I skip some of the chapters I don't want to read.  The 5th is better but still suffers from having some tangential storylines. 


I've read them all.

My feeling after four and five was basically that Martin has little idea where he's going, is making a lot of it up as he goes, needs an editor.  Dorne, though clearly of huge import to the greater story line of Westeros, get far too many words, and the Ironborn storyline is worse because it gets just as much attention but is of clearly far less significance.  But hey, maybe he'll change my mind if his heart doesn't sign off before the manuscripts are finished.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


Quote from: Diomedes on May 06, 2014, 06:18:48 PM
I've read them all.

My feeling after four and five was basically that Martin has little idea where he's going, is making a lot of it up as he goes, needs an editor.  Dorne, though clearly of huge import to the greater story line of Westeros, get far too many words, and the Ironborn storyline is worse because it gets just as much attention but is of clearly far less significance.  But hey, maybe he'll change my mind if his heart doesn't sign off before the manuscripts are finished.

Spoilers below for 4th & 5th book.
[spoiler]I think he knows where he's going but he's had significant problems syncing timelines and stories, so he's had to introduce far too many inconsequential characters.  I think he realized based on his timeline that Dany's invasion was going to be an endgame play so he needed to kill time before that happened.  Likewise, Tyrion couldn't reach her quite yet because he needed to have material to fill an entire book.  Etc.  So, I think he's basically padded his story to get all the pieces in line.  I think he has a clear idea of where it's going in his head, but he's built so many characters and areas that getting to that point has become overwhelming to him.[/spoiler]