Computer Geeks Unite! And farging help me!

Started by Sgt PSN, November 03, 2006, 08:52:10 PM

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ice grillin you

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous

ice grillin you

audacity wouldnt work with my music files for whatever reason so i went with a program called switch instead...seems to do the job
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


I bought a Toshiba Satellite back in 2007 against the advice from a friend who previously owned one. We both experienced problems with the battery over heating and making the entire laptop hot to the touch when it's left on for more than a few hours.  The laptop itself functions great and I have no major complaints.  But the battery thing sucks. Having a laptop that gets too hot to put on your lap kind of defeats the purpose.


That's why they're called notebooks, and have been called that for a decade or more.

The man. The myth. The legend.


And waitresses want to be called servers and stewardesses want to be called flight attendents.  Their job description hasn't changed one bit.  So call it a laptop or a notebook or whatever, it still doesn't change the fact that the Toshiba's had issues getting extremely hot.  Not to mention that they look and feel like they are made on the cheap.

I kind of rushed my post yesterday too but here's my pro/cons of Toshiba LAPTOPS:

Pro:  Affordable price, great screen display/picture quality, no major complaints about how the LAPTOP has performed.
Con:  Feels like it was made out of cheap material, terrible speakers/sound quality, gets hot when on for short periods of time, crappy battery life.     

Jay, not sure if this particular LAPTOP is available at your local Best Buy or if you plan on buying online, but I'd definitely check your local store first and see one in person.  Even if they don't have that specific model, check out other Toshibas on the display shelf and compare them to other LAPTOPS in terms of how well the LAPTOPS are made.

It's not a terrible product, but you kind of get what you pay for imo. 


almost every "laptop" comes with a warning to not actually put it on your lap due to the heat.



Quote from: charlie on February 23, 2011, 12:48:36 PM
almost every "laptop" comes with a warning to not actually put it on your lap due to the heat.

I should have specified in my post that I don't even put it directly on my lap, but that I purchased one of those "cooling trays" or whatever the farg they are called and I can still feel the heat pushing through it.  Also, it isn't just the underside of the LAPTOP that gets hot, but also the top.  Not so much the keys themselves, but the area around the touch pad where you would typically rest your palms. 



The obvious solution is for you to take your Apple drone status to the next level by trading in your Toshiba notebook for a MacBook notebook.


Quote from: FastFreddie on February 23, 2011, 01:09:53 PM
The obvious solution is for you to take your Apple drone status to the next level by trading in your Toshiba notebook for a MacBook notebook.

Yeah, not really.  Pretty sure I'm done with LAPTOPS completely.  The only way I'd go back to one is if work required me to have one, in which case they'd be providing it for me.  And that's not a knock on them, it's just something that I have absolutely no need for since I have a desktop PC and my iPad.  Might switch to an iMac one day, but that's about it.   




Thanks, Sarge.

I did see one in the store last weekend and that was the one I kept coming back to but I wanted to research it further before I buy it.

My girl's pops has a Toshiba and had battery issues, I bought him an extended life one and its been cool since.

Susquehanna Birder

I have an older Toshiba that worked pretty well. I got a smaller version of the same model for my daughter, and it had the overheating issue. So I guess it's a crap shoot.

(Somewhere along the line, I was playing City of Heroes on my Toshiba and my son was playing on his Macbook Pro. The difference in performance was significant. Not too long after that, I decided to go Mac and I haven't looked back.)