NFL Quiz Show

Started by Phanatic, September 21, 2005, 03:34:09 PM

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My favorites...


1 -- John Elway once said the worst thing about getting old as a quarterback is that just as the game begins to slow down for you mentally you begin to break down physically, a statement that now seems to apply to:
A. Brett Favre
B. The Packers' quarterback
C. Hall of Famer, Brett Favre
D. Favre, Brett
E. All of the above

5 -- So far, Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens have proven:
A. This whole notion of team chemistry is a bunch of baloney.
B. Ab crunches in your driveway might just be the best way to prepare for the season.
C. What a genius offensive coordinator Brad Childress is.
D. Randy Moss is the best receiver in the NFL.

12 -- In kicking an extra-point on Sunday, Eagles linebacker Mark Simoneau:
A. Became the first defensive player to score an extra point since 1985.
B. Helped prove my theory that, with three weeks of practice, anyone could kick in the NFL.  :-D
C. Used a soccer-style kick, to impress the ladies.
D. Is so versatile, he is expected to be traded to the Patriots soon.

18 -- That Joe Gibbs would get that worked up over a 14-13 fluke in Week 2 only proves:
A. How much he still cares about the game.
B. That dude sucked up way too many exhaust fumes at the track.
C. Just how much Bill Parcells has gotten under his skin.
D. He's the last person on earth who thinks the rivalry between the taterskins and the Cowboys is the least bit compelling.

OK, you can go back to feeding the hippos now...
This post is brought to you by Alcohol!


even better.  Simoneau said he practiced kicking 1 time in the past couple years. 


Quote from: Phanatic on September 21, 2005, 03:34:09 PM

My favorites...

12 -- In kicking an extra-point on Sunday, Eagles linebacker Mark Simoneau:
A. Became the first defensive player to score an extra point since 1985.
B. Helped prove my theory that, with three weeks of practice, anyone could kick in the NFL.
C. Used a soccer-style kick, to impress the ladies.
D. Is so versatile, he is expected to be traded to the Patriots soon.

I wish.

18 -- That Joe Gibbs would get that worked up over a 14-13 fluke in Week 2 only proves:
A. How much he still cares about the game.
B. That dude sucked up way too many exhaust fumes at the track.
C. Just how much Bill Parcells has gotten under his skin.
D. He's the last person on earth who thinks the rivalry between the taterskins and the Cowboys is the least bit compelling.

I'm glad someone outside of this message board has said what everyone already knows. No one gives a shtein about two zesty teams playing each other.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.