Video game thread

Started by mussa, March 15, 2005, 05:17:12 PM

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Quote from: Munson on September 07, 2011, 10:35:29 AM

Yeah there's a lot of little random tasks that you do, and it seems to do very little to advance the story. For example, in the first Act, you get people to a safe place, and then the next couple hours or so, your main mission is actually called "Kill Time". As in, ask the other survivors around you if they need help. Which they all do, and they ask you to go out and do random shtein (find my husband, get some gas for a fire to burn bodies, etc). And when you're out and about, you run into other random survivors that offer you shtein to help them out too.

I find it enjoyable simply because i like killing zombies and they let you build some cool weapons. But it did take forever to finally get to Act II.

I heard there are a bunch of escort missions. I farging hate escort missions. Is it worth buying or would I be better off waiting a few months?


Quote from: mussa on September 07, 2011, 12:00:42 PM
Well I broke down and got madden 12 randomly one day. Its decent, not anything great. The players feel so fast and out of control. I have whiffed numerous times on defense, I don't know if its the new camera angle or what but I got a guy in my sights and poof right past him. That is pretty annoying. The player speed issue is a big letdown, it just doesn't seem realistic, player movements in general. I still don't get how the last version on PS2 felt so realistic and all versions on the 2nd gen game systems just are crap. I don't get why they couldn't mimic an engine on a lesser gaming machine.

Running is way too easy.

Vick should rarely get caught by a dlineman or linebacker when scrambling out of the pocket. Terrible. Thats just laziness on EA, ignoring something as simple as that.

They made a big stink about new tackling animations, group tackling. If you run into a situation like that your guy just bounces off and falls to the ground. FAIL

I don't get scouting. Another big emphasis on awesome scouting options in franchise. From what I can tell you pick 15 players in the beginning of the season and then that's it. Nothing...I don't see anything progressing. FAIL

Player roles. Worthless. I don't see what the point of this is either. FAIL

All in all I would say its probably the best version of the 2nd generation systems, which in theory it should be. But its far from anything special. I'm so pissed Madden has the exclusive deal. 2Ksports made the best NBA/sports game ever last year w/ 2K11. They could do some amazing things w the NFL.

I agree with the most of this. It's better than last year, but not by all that much. And I really don't understand why they STILL can't make a next-gen game that is as good as Madden was on the PS2. I mean, the next-gen consoles aren't even "next-gen". They're just "gen" and getting long in the tooth at that.


Quote from: SD on September 07, 2011, 03:24:07 PM
Quote from: Munson on September 07, 2011, 10:35:29 AM

Yeah there's a lot of little random tasks that you do, and it seems to do very little to advance the story. For example, in the first Act, you get people to a safe place, and then the next couple hours or so, your main mission is actually called "Kill Time". As in, ask the other survivors around you if they need help. Which they all do, and they ask you to go out and do random shtein (find my husband, get some gas for a fire to burn bodies, etc). And when you're out and about, you run into other random survivors that offer you shtein to help them out too.

I find it enjoyable simply because i like killing zombies and they let you build some cool weapons. But it did take forever to finally get to Act II.

I heard there are a bunch of escort missions. I farging hate escort missions. Is it worth buying or would I be better off waiting a few months?

I've had a couple escort missions, but they're not as bad as some of the ones in GTA were. For instance, I'm currently being shown a way through the sewers by some guy, and I gotta protect him on our way there. But he beats the shtein out the zombies too, and doesn't get killed after only a couple hits. They seem to have just as much health as the player does.

If you enjoyed doing the missions in Grand Theft Auto, and think the added zombie slaying would make it better, then I think you'll enjoy it. Also depends on how much you like the whole weapons building aspect of everything. They give you a lot of cool options to build, depending on your XP level and what things you scavenge from the streets (and there are a TON of things to scavenge).
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


The intensity of the game starts to pick up once you get to the city.  A lot more zombies, coming from all angles.   

My biggest gripe with the game is that I don't get any credit for missions I do online.  I started at the same time as my little brother, and he gets credit, but if I try to go on the game solo, I'm put back on the beach, even though we started at the exact same time.


yeah I'm in the city now and I've already died a bunch more times then I did on the beach.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Quote from: Munson on September 08, 2011, 02:40:16 PM
yeah I'm in the city now and I've already died a bunch more times then I did on the beach.

Yeah.... I also think it would be better if there were more consequences for dying.  Like experience + money reduction, instead of just money reduction.


I don't know anything about the game you idiots are jerking each other off over, but I have always found it strange that game makers don't allow you to set things like that yourself.  I mean, how hard would it be to list a control in settings that says, for example:  on death, player loses: a.) nothing  b.) money c.) experience d.) money and experience.

the whole point of the game is to have fun and I'm perfectly capable of setting things like that at the level which suits the way I want to play

There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


They do its called cheat codes, cheater.

BTW, the beginning credits to Madden 12 are amazing. Glad they spent so much time on creating that than the actual game. Sigh....
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I thought the jet fly over and the bird flying (I couldn't even tell what kind of bird it was....didn't look like an eagle) were awful looking.  Pretty cool how they did the transition from a fumble to Pimp's pr against the g-men though.  I also couldn't help but notice that even though they have Hillis on the cover, they didn't manage to get him in the video at all.  Overall I'm unimpressed.  Would have rather seen video that was taken from the actual game. 


It was for the Seahawks and yes that was the worst part. Its much better high def on big screen. The jets were actually pretty cool I thought.
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


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Quote from: charlie on September 07, 2011, 09:10:53 AM
I am playing madden for the first time since like 2001 or 2002.. and i have to say i haven't been more bored with a video game so quickly. It's slow, its clunky, and there's way too much down time.

Online play is ok, no real connection issues... just icehole players.

9 days later and i've gone back to playing MLB the Show.


Nerded it up hardcore and went and picked up Gears 3 at midnight.

Waiting for my boy to play the campaign Thursday, but goddamn Multiplayer is awesome so far. Worlds ahead of the other two games.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Quote from: Munson on September 08, 2011, 02:40:16 PM
yeah I'm in the city now and I've already died a bunch more times then I did on the beach.

Just picked it up. I chose to play as the rap guy. So there are a bunch of other players running around the beach with me. Why is this so? I didn't invite anyone. Does the crap you pick up ever amount to anything or do you just get the cash? I hate that every object I use wears down fast and I can't equip what I want when I want.


Also forgot to add I beat Bulletstorm Didn't think I'd enjoy it but it was a surprisingly fun game although a little too short for my liking.