Game of Thrones

Started by Diomedes, February 24, 2013, 07:52:15 AM

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haaa, that's a good one.
If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it


Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it


If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it


Another great episode. I'm actually satisfied with the Arya/many faced god storyline

Next week is going to be epic

What was the rumor Cersei was talking about?

QB Eagles

I'm guessing the pile of wildfire under the city. Bitch is crazy.


Think they were a taaaaad inconsistent with how injured arya was supposed to be.  Talk about vacillating from scene to scene.


Quote from: Eagles_Legendz on June 12, 2016, 10:06:22 PM
Think they were a taaaaad inconsistent with how injured arya was supposed to be.  Talk about vacillating from scene to scene.

She moved pretty quick for being that injured

Little tired of the dramatic Daenerys scenes.

QB Eagles

Quote from: Eagles_Legendz on June 12, 2016, 10:06:22 PM
Think they were a taaaaad inconsistent with how injured arya was supposed to be.  Talk about vacillating from scene to scene.

Agree. She took the kind of stab wounds that killed Talisa Stark and this week she was doing Jackie Chan moves to get away from the Waif. That milk of the poppy is some good shtein.

Overall a middle of the road episode I thought. Thought it was lame as shtein that they killed off the Blackfish. "He died". Great writing, guys. Another badass they killed off for no reason just like Barristan Selmy.

The Hound is great every time he appears. Didn't think we'd ever see Beric again. I guess that rules out a certain other character making an appearance.

QB Eagles

Quote from: SD on June 12, 2016, 10:10:09 PMLittle tired of the dramatic Daenerys scenes.

Meereen in general has always sucked. They really have had nothing for Tyrion to do this season except sit around with boring Missandei and Grey Worm. I'm a little hyped about secret agent Varys though.


Quote from: QB Eagles on June 12, 2016, 10:12:01 PM
I guess that rules out a certain other character making an appearance.

[spoiler]Caetlyn Stark? A book reader just couldn't resist telling me they toss her body in a river after the red wedding then she's brought back but can't speak because of her slit throat. I'm good with her character being done with.[/spoiler]

QB Eagles

Yeah that's the one. That's the current leader of the Brotherhood in the books, and -- it turns out -- a much more vicious, brutal, and vengeful person than Beric.

This episode also squashed the "CleganeBowl" hype by having Tommen rule out trial by combat.

Some interesting backstory: Ned Stark's father demanded trial by combat against the Mad King. The Mad King agreed and said his champion would be fire, and then roasted Rickard Stark alive.


Some thoughts and some speculation:

Arya-Scuks that we didn't get to see the fight, but whatevs. I don't think that's the last we see of Jaqen though. The look on his face+the fact that he let her go says to me the Faceless Men have a role to play in the story in the future.

Riverrun-So bummed about the Blackfish. Sat up on my couch and said GO WITH THEM. Ugh. Agree with the "killed another badass for no reason". Send him North, let him fight for Sansa. farg. Jaime and Brienne was nice, as was Pod and Bronn.

The Hound-More awesomeness from a great character. Loved seeing Beric and Thoros return too. The Brotherhood actually makes sense for The Hound right now. The dialogue seemed to indicate they are heading North. One of the few groups of people that got that memo about the White Walkers. Must have been a cover on their TPS report. Will be interesting if they turn up in the North by seasons end, but I figure next season is more realistic.

Kings Landing-Loved everything there this week. No doubt Cersei is going to do something drastic in the nxt two weeks that ends up leading to Tommen's death. Also, the "rumor" she's talking to Qyburn about. Some speculation that kind of pairs up with Meereen and Varys coming up in a minute.

Meereen-The awkward convo was hilarious this week I thought. Grey Worm dead panning a joke was great. The Masters attacking the city is gonna make for some good shtein now that Dany is back. Dragons are farging shtein up soon. Also wonder if the Iron Fleet makes it there in time to help. But the Varys stuff is what interested me most, so here's some speculation...

Varys is going back to find allies in Westeros. Now he's Varys so I'm sure he has heard by now the Iron Fleet is in Volantis. Definitely possible he's going there, at least first. If he's going to Westeros, Dorne makes the most sense. With The Sand Snakes in control, they obviously have no loyalty to the crown. However, he could also be going back to King's Landing. I'm a bit worried he gets killed if he goes back there. The "rumor" Cersei is talking to Qyburn about could be that Tyrion, and Varys, are in Meereen and helping Dany. If that's true, that means Varys' little birds have totally betrayed him to Qyburn. He could go back to King's Landing thinking his arrival will be a total secret, only to have the birds rat him out to Qyburn and Cersei has him killed for helping Tyrion escape and gets her confirmation that he's in Meereen.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


How come UberDrogon didn't torch some masters ships while delivering Dany to the pyramid? His brothers below must have felt him landing on the roof, I expect we may see them next week.

I thought is was another very good ep, sometimes despite itself. Tyrion can't help being Tyrion and gets GW and Miss drinking and joking. Amazing chemistry between the Brienne and Jamie characters. Arya desecrating the hall of faces and owning Jaqen. I take it Arya sparing his life means the ledger is now balanced and cleared in their accounting system, which makes Enron look legit. A ton of great lines tonight. My favorite - "You're shtein at dying, you know that?" Gray Worm was a worthy runner up, though. Ambivalent about Jamie's character development.   

Surprised GoT decided not to show a graphic scene of Blackfish's death. Can't remember them passing on an opportunity to see a fan fav spurt blood or get crushed or whatever.

As much as I like Arya's arc and don't care so much for Dany's, they needed to spend less time with Aya's training and more with developing some elements of Dany's, particularly the Dothraki parts. Pretty hard to buy into that, in 2 blinks of an eye, they are all her adoring and sworm followers. 

Interesting thought Munson, on who the birds will keep loyal to. Could have a lot of ramifications. Varys is one of my favorite characters. I'd hate to see him get offed but I could see it at some point before too long. Theoretically, when Tommen dies Marg will rule and she can have the High Sparrow and his minions wiped out, though also theoretically Varys will be working against the Tyrells to have Dany installed on the IT so maybe that will keep him around.


I think the Ep is getting unfairly skewered in some quarters, but I agree that Arya's plot the last two episodes was directed incredibly poorly, and Dany arriving was shot weirdly.  If you want Arya to be able to do parkour through the streets, don't literally gut her the week before and act like a little stitching fixes everything.

Also reading some places like theringer's little snippet about the episode, I think some people are really misinterpreting the Jaime stuff w/Edmure. Articles like that which said Jaime is a morally ambiguous character who finally selected evil are dumb.  Jaime said what it took to get Edmure to surrender the castle in a bloodless coup.  I don't doubt what he says about Cersei, but it was a clever way to resolve the siege by playing up his reputation.  He tried to let them join Brienne first and then still resolved it without a fight.  He's far from a standard "good"'character - and the show's tendency to reduce some characters to singular traits annoys me sometimes, but I don't think that scene was supposed to play as Jaime = evil