Game of Thrones

Started by Diomedes, February 24, 2013, 07:52:15 AM

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I think Jaime has a masochistic bent.  He's definitely been a bad guy (tossing Bran out the window is inexcusable) but a lot of it is colored by Aerys.  People view him as having shtein for honor and being disloyal etc, when really he saved thousands of peoples lives by killing him when he did and I think it disillusioned him.  He was all about honor and loyalty and when that happened and the reaction he got, I think he just internalized and sort of said farg everything in relation to vows and all that, but Brienne is slowly transforming him again.


I think part of it is definitely a "pride" thing as well...he thinks being seen as cold blooded raises the regard as a fighter people hold him in. He could put up with being hated by everyone while he still had a right hand and was feared around the 7 kingdoms as a fighter. Now that he's lost that, it's weighing heavily on him.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Was it just me or was Brienne all of a sudden fargable? Also, the ice chick all of a sudden too farging skinny. Decent ass, but woah, too many ribs showing through her chest.

I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


Quote from: Eagles_Legendz on April 28, 2013, 10:28:19 PM
also I found Jorah's stuff funny, kind of probing at Barristan to see if he knew Jorah sold out Dany earlier.

Remind was jorah who met with Varys in the dungeon in episode one? About her joining forces with the horse dude? Kal? That?

I'm confused on him. How did he manage to be at her side?

Also, on Barristan, he served Dany's kin, then the king who replaced him, now he gets a free pass with her?
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


Quote from: hbionic on April 29, 2013, 01:13:52 AM
Quote from: Eagles_Legendz on April 28, 2013, 10:28:19 PM
also I found Jorah's stuff funny, kind of probing at Barristan to see if he knew Jorah sold out Dany earlier.

Remind was jorah who met with Varys in the dungeon in episode one? About her joining forces with the horse dude? Kal? That?

I'm confused on him. How did he manage to be at her side?

Also, on Barristan, he served Dany's kin, then the king who replaced him, now he gets a free pass with her?

The guy in the basement with Varys was the dude in Pentos who's house Dany and Visarys were staying with. Magistar something or other. Jorah was in Essos because he ran there to get away from Ned Stark after be broke the slave trading law.

How he got by her side I'm not exactly sure. He showed up at their wedding with the gifts and I think it was implied that he was sent there by Varys.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Quote from: hbionic on April 29, 2013, 01:13:52 AM
Quote from: Eagles_Legendz on April 28, 2013, 10:28:19 PM
also I found Jorah's stuff funny, kind of probing at Barristan to see if he knew Jorah sold out Dany earlier.

Remind was jorah who met with Varys in the dungeon in episode one? About her joining forces with the horse dude? Kal? That?

I'm confused on him. How did he manage to be at her side?

Also, on Barristan, he served Dany's kin, then the king who replaced him, now he gets a free pass with her?

I think Munson is right that Jorah was more or less sent there.  He wasn't with Varys in the dungeons but he's worried because in season 1 it's showed that Jorah had been reporting on her movements to Varys and the Small Council (and therefore betraying her).  So he wanted to see if Barristan knew Jorah had betrayed Dany at one point (though in my eyes he has made it up since then).

Barristan is respected because he's been in the kingsguard forever and served "loyally".  It brings back into context and for debate the entire concept of loyalty and what it means in this world though - are your oaths and loyalty really more important and valuable (they do seem to be to most) than doing what is right (i.e. killing a homicidal maniacal king)?  I'm not sure there's necessarily a right answer, I just thought it was interesting how the show had two scenes very close to another where one (Jaime) is divulging the real reason behind becoming Kingslayer, whereas in the other (Barristan) says basically he'd never forsake an oath no matter what.


I like Jorah a lot, and didn't really realized he was reporting back...but I did have a hint of that because Varys knew so much of her whereabouts.

I don't trust Barristan...he's cool, but I just don't trust him.

*Eagles_Legendz, that is an interesting observation...that was well done if that was the case, back to back, giving the viewer a nice contrast on the issues affecting these men.

More and more, the Theon part of the story intrigues me. I can't wait for next week. That bloke just got life's shtein end of the stick.
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


I don't know if they would be able to pull it off with how extensive the shooting is, but how awesome would a mini-series focused on Robert's Rebellion be? It would be a huuuuge benefit to the people who just watch the show since so much of the backstory depends on it.

Though I guess with some possible spoilers, it wouldn't be possible to do until after the series is complete.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


You could really make a series about the stuff leading up to the rebellion and the rebellion itself.  It's funny if you think of the narrative trajectory how tightly it would fit a typical fantasy trope: evil king, forces for good coming to save the realm, winning the decisive battle and the young brave knight stabs the king to save everyone. 

and then fast forward 17 years to see how farged up everything is. 

What I'm worried about is with the pace Martin writes, whether the show is going to catch the books before the last one is published.  Game of Thrones keeps growing its viewership - it's up to 5.3 million per the last episode, officially passing True Blood as the highest watched HBO show.  It's grown from 4.3 to 5.3 already this year in 5 episodes, so I would think at this point we're probably going to make it to the end without it being canceled (should be 8 season show since book 3 [this one] is the only one which requires it cut in half).  It would be weird if the show creates cannon ahead of the books.

I'm pumped for the rest of the season.  I think the last 3 episodes have been pretty great and the rest of the season is just going to keep that up (with the possible exception of next episode).  And not to put the cart ahead of the horse, but I think season 4 will be even better for the most part.


When he published book four, Martin said that book 5 was right around the corner.  Six years later, it finally dropped.  The question I have:  will the dude live long enough to "finish" the series.  I put that in quotes because I'm convinced he has no farging clue where he's going with all this.   He's just making it up as he goes, slowly.  Anyone who hopes for different story lines to be buttoned up is likely just setting themselves up for disappointment, because this guy is just noodling around and have you seen him?  That heart could sympathize with Andy Reid's overtaxed ticker.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


He's apparently outlined it with the HBO creators in case anything happened.

I actually think he has had a plan but can't stop himself from world building.   I don't want to get into spoiler territory but he deals with so many tertiary characters in way too much detail in the latter books that it stalls the narrative momentum of the main ones.  I've always felt like he's had a plan (all the prophecies and foreshadowing and whatnot) but can't help himself and badly needs a better editor for the last 2 books.


If anyone wants non-spoilery background stuff to add details, this is really good on the Lannisters.  There's also another one about Tywin and Tywin's father, explaining how Tywin got the way he was, and there's another on the history of the Targaryens.

I think this is pretty entertaining and for non book readers gives great background info without spoiling anything in the future.  It does have added details of background history that they may get into later so I will say watch at your own peril if you want 100% no info whatsover, but I think it's basically just details that the show can't get into for time reasons which help explain the characters more.


If the show does catch up to the books, HBO could do a season on Robert's Rebellion to fill the time.

Quick, someone write HBO
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Yeah, I think HBO and Martin have been talking about a prequel, which would be great. Interesting the parallel between Jorah and John Snow both falling for someone they originally set out to betray. Struggles with conscience and shifting allegiances seem to be a central theme (Theon, Davos etc.) and sets up a nice contrast with those who don't seem to have difficulty with it (eg small counsel guys).


I believe they're talking about potentially adapting "Dunk and Egg" stuff which has nothing to do with the rebellion.