2009 Phillies Offseason Thread

Started by MDS, November 05, 2009, 12:05:28 AM

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ice grillin you

the lee move was a huge mistake and they deserve massive criticism for it....but its the only one since they moved into a new ballpark.....they have mad bad PP decisions from a talent standpoint on certain moves like every other team in every other sport does but overall they are a model franchise that caters diretcly to the fans and their own players making all feel more than welcome

and even with the lee move at least the budget that kept them from keeping him was in the top 95% of the league...where as the eagles penny pinch at every possible opportunity
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


overall, i agree.  but the phils had a rare opportunity to have one of the most dominating rotations ever....doc, lee, hamels and they balked at the idea of spending $8mil on it.  i'd get it if it was a middle rotation guy or someone overrated or someone over the hill.  i know money wasn't the only issue and the phils wanted to get something in return for lee and restock the farm, but seriously.....if the phils rolled out doc, lee, cole and had a dominating year that ended in a championship, how many fans would give a farg if lee took off and they didn't get anything in return?  even without lee, they're still a legit championship contender and still the nl favorites.  but with lee they could have been a historic team where 30 years from now all baseball fans would still be talking about how dominating that 2010 phillies team was with all of their pitching and high powered offense.  woulda, shoulda, coulda. 

championship trumps all and it's not like lee's departure would have put this team back in the stone age.  they're going to be competitive for quite a few years as long as they don't revert back to their cheap, frugal ways. 

ice grillin you

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


i got that.  i just wasn't done talking yet.  every time i think about it the anger sharks start swimming in my head. 


Its amazing that we can even say that the Eagles should learn from the Phillies and that the Phillies know how to do things the right way. Such a total 180 from where they were when I was a kid.

ice grillin you

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on February 28, 2010, 10:13:28 PM
Its amazing that we can even say that the Eagles should learn from the Phillies and that the Phillies know how to do things the right way. Such a total 180 from where they were in 2004.


I love Lee, but he is not a top 5 pitcher. 

ice grillin you

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


you know its baseball season when teenagers who live in their parents basement start making antagonistic comments on internet message boards

Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.

ice grillin you

yeah he dares to be different but hes just north of middle school age so we give him a pass
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


on the bright side the wilmington news journal is looking for a new phils beat writen since scott lauber went to cover the sox for the globe. so, go browntown.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.

ice grillin you

if theres a place more than 8 miles away from another country thats going to give you a job it would delaware
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


haha im actually like 2 miles away from mexico, dookie

and bulee it ill probably be out of here within 2 years, though most likely the next stop will be 1 hour north to mcallen (also on the border but a bigger town), corpus christi or if im lucky san an

texas fo life son
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Yeah, out of the three of us I'm definitely the one that is excessively antagonistic.