Eagles fans OWNED Kansas City

Started by Sgt PSN, October 03, 2005, 01:41:35 PM

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:-D  I knew one of you fargtards would bring that up.  Obviously I was just trying to give you guys a tour of the area.  :paranoid 

But I still managed to give Phanatic dead on directions on where to meet us.  Too bad he didn't get into town until the monsoon hit and had to sit in the parking lot for a few minutes.


Long time lurker - 1st time poster here...

I am from Bucks County, but now live in Hawaii.  My little brother, Rodger, still lives in Bucks.  My brother scores great tickets with regularity because of the guys he works for/with.  They always keep me in mind... I made it home for Week 2 and the Championship game last year.

This year we decided to hook up for a road trip to Kansas City.  Rodger brought two of his crazy ass friends, and I came with a colleague originally from Kansas City.  He was our "token" Chiefs fan.

I flew all night Friday and landed Saturday and because I was so friggin tired, I volunteered to be the DD.  We went out to Harrah's where I promptly blew a grand on Craps and Roulette table.  The others got smashed at the bar... and the Philly obnoxiousness flowed.  I think they may have actually converted a few KC fans.  We didn't get back to the Hotel until after 4:00 AM.  I don't know how we made it back... I was exhausted, it was an hour away and I have never seen lightening like that before.

Around noon on Sunday we finally got rolling to the stadium.  Our KC native, Token, wanted to take us to some world-renowned BBQ place, which I was down for.  My brother and friends wanted Denny's.  There is apparently something in the pancakes that make you feel better after boozing until 4:00 AM.  I can't believe we didn't get some famous BBQ.

We got some nosebleed tickets on EBAY, but they were on the 40-yard line, which was not bad.  The stadium was nice and LOUD.  Kansas City chants are a bit different than the typical Eagles chants (i.e., ARSEHOLE... ARSEHOLE... ARSEHOLE).  The first time the entire stadium said "1ST DOWN!!" was unique.  The novelty wore off when they seemed to be doing it every play in the 1st Quarter.  We were getting obliterated.  I am an optimistic guy, and felt a breath of life when Sheldon Brown took that INT to the house, but I said "game over" to Rodger when Dante Hall broke off the 96-yard TD the very next play.  I was thinking about the LONG walk back to the car and how much Token was going to be unbearable at work.  The Eagles were brutal in the 1st half.

The second half was a bit more fun...  Token started getting quiet.  When McNabb threw the TD to LJ to make it 34 to 24 the sea of red parted.  I have never seen a stadium clear like that.  There was still a ton of time left in the game, too.  I have never seen a momentum switch that drastic in a game... ever.  The KC Fans that were in our section (325) handled the loss with class.  We didn't get hit with anything from above, which I figured was a certainty.  After the clock hit 0:00, we made our way back to the car, and there were a ton of Eagles fans milling around talking smack, chanting, etc.  One quote that stuck with me was from a decent looking blonde with her man a few rows above us.  She asked incredulously, "Why are there SO MANY Eagles fans here?"  She went on to say that she has never seen anything like it.  There had to be 5,000 Eagles fans there... My little moment of pride~

We had a great time, and decided that we are going to Dallas next year.  I suspect that the Cowboy fans will not be as passive as the KC fans were.




Welcome to the board, meskerd.  Try to look up Don Ho, he's in your neck of the woods.

Glad you had a good time in KC.  If you saw two Eagles fans that were COMPLETE idiots, that was just Sarge and Hbionic.

"They're well known homosexuals!"


2 cats from hawaii? what is this, amateur hour?
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.