Bears Ticket Policy For Playoffs

Started by PhillyPhreak54, January 10, 2007, 09:19:43 AM

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Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


Quote from: ice grillin you on January 11, 2007, 11:31:08 AM
i hope everyone knows we are talking about a couple hundred tickets at most it might effect a few dozen people

its the intention and spirit of the rule that is important...not its results

I most definately agree that we're talking about a very small percentage of people here.  If I were a Bears fan, the odds of me even getting through on the phone or online to buy a ticket are slim to none to begin with.  So I agree that the chances of me even getting in position to purchase a face value ticket are slim to none, but I still don't think it's right for a business to take that possibility away from me simply because of where I live, or in this case, don't live. 


Quote from: Eaglez on January 10, 2007, 10:42:58 PM
The teams have discretion to limit the offer to purchase tickets to anyone they want. They don't have to offer to the public-at-large if they don't want to.

They already have set a precedent for offering tickets to the public-at-large though.  And that's kind of the issue behind the issue I have with them doing this.  They didn't care during the regular season where people were from when they were selling tickets so why should they care now?   This wasn't a full time policy that they had in the past that they have decided to go back to.  It's something they just decided to start doing for the playoffs.  That's the big problem as far as I'm concerned.  If this was a policy that they had implemented during the regular season as well and had it in place for a few years or even longer then I'd be fine with that.  I'd still think it was stupid but at least it's a common business practice for them. 

Father Demon

The drawback to marital longevity is your wife always knows when you're really interested in her and when you're just trying to bury it.


Quote from: rjs246 on January 11, 2007, 11:37:26 AM
It's retarded either way.

It's a public relations move meant to reassure skeered wittle Hoydacat Bears fans that the tickets they're selling are for Bears fans only.

If that's the case, the Bears should rescind the season ticket rights of anyone outside the Chicago area.  You know, to be fair, and all.