4th Annual CF First Round Mock Draft Contest

Started by MURP, March 30, 2005, 01:40:52 PM

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early math has Phreak winning... beat me by 5 points you bastich!!   congrats Phreaky.


Thank you, sir. I have lost my Eagles mock title, but gained this one. I'll take it. ;D


scores.   if my math is wrong (which it could be, few beers by now) prove it.

Phreak- 85
MURP- 80
Troy- 70
Geowhizzer- 55
Mikey- 45
Dio- 40
Dillen- 40
Wingspan- 40
PG- 30
Double J- 30
Philly&BCEagles- 10


I didn't come in last place!

"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


I really tried too hard and scr00ed the pooch on this one.


hmm, Troy pointed out my scoring was wrong (hey I admitted the math was shaky after some beers).  Looks like Troy also has 85 points.  Both Phreak and Troy picked 8 correct and had a 5 pointer.   Niether sent in a tie breaker answer.....

guess its a tie.   ???


Sonofa... :boom

I didn't even see the part about a tiebreaker in there.

Death match me vs. Troy. :evil


lol, ok so whats the death match involve. 


They both shoot themselves in the head and whoever is 3rd in line gets the title.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


I got 15 points, both from division rivals!  w0ot!

Quote9(9) Washington taterskins - Carlos Rogers, CB
11(11) Dallas Cowboys - Marcus Spears, DE

I still finished tied for last, though, with PhillyandBCEagles.  His correct picks:

Quote2. Miami - Ronnie Brown (RB, Auburn)
12. Dallas (from San Diego) - Marcus Spears (DT/DE, LSU)